Destination Chania

Tutustu Haniaan sen kauniiseen venetsialaiseen satamaan!

Kaupunki infoa! Lue lisää

Kastelli / Kissamos

Kissamos - Kastellissa asuu noin 11 000 asukasta ja alueensa "pääkaupunki"

Balokseen? Lue lisää

Balos / Gramvousa

The exotic and famous beach of Crete! Join the Cruise to Balos and Gramvousa!

What's Balos? Check it out!


Falassarna, one of the locals favorit destination. With its amazing sandy beaches and the crystal clear water, Falassarna is wort a visit!

Favorit Beach! Take me there


Elafonissi beach is the most well known beach in Crete and approximately 2 hour drive from Platanias. One of the Top 10 beaches in the world!

Magic spot! Check it out